Class of 2023 tribute starts construction

Maximus Bean, News Co-Editor

Nabeel Jan ’23, the 2023 Class President, sent out an email on Feb. 22, detailing what the Class of 23’s tribute to campus will look like.

“Our tribute is an octagon-shaped shared gathering space in the Grove, just uphill from the volleyball court,” Jan said, in his email. “The area will feature outdoor seating and collaboration space and will be lit by string lights that will cross the octagon-shaped patio from above.”

The goal in the construction of this venue is so “members of the community can gather and form connections while enjoying the serenity of the Grove,” Jan said. 

During an interview with The Bucknellian, Jan confirmed that the project will be completed in the coming months, “hopefully before commencement,” and that it was made from a desire to get students into “green space… Research shows more time outside helps you be happier and healthier, and this spot is a direct path to that.”

While the cost of this endeavor is not fully known yet, it did come from the class’ operating budget from the last four years, and that it was likely “the largest expense we would have during our time here,” Jan said. 

The project will look similar to the Schwartz patio, and be constructed with wood, gravel and plastic chairs.

Jan also wanted to note that credit belonged to, “our Senators: Ryan Bernicker, Juliette Chandler, April Hurlock, Lindsey Kulp, Eleanor Lowe, Isaiah Mays, Christian Melgar, Ricky Rodriguez, and Maggie Zipel for their work on this project, as well as the other members of our executive board: Andrew Finegan and Taylor Armstrong.”

“Lastly, if you pass by the site and see any facilities team members working on it, please thank them. Their work on our campus often goes unnoticed and should be acknowledged,” Jan added. 

Students had positive things to say about the endeavor. 

“The grove is a beautiful and underutilized part of campus. I’m glad to hear that our tribute will allow students to better enjoy this great part of campus,” Justin Higgins ’23 said.

“This tribute is such an honor,” Matthew Rayski ’23 said. “I am really happy to hear that the memory of the class of 2023 will live on via the tribute.”

Prior tributes include a giant “B” by the South Campus Apartments for the class of 2019, the fire pit by the farm for the class of 2020 and the West Tunnel restoration for the class of 2018’s tribute.

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