University introduces new course in meme culture

Madeline Diamond, Senior Editor

After overwhelming student interest, the University is now offering a course covering modern internet culture. Due to its far-reaching relevance across academic disciplines, the course Global Memes and a Brief History of Internet Culture will be cross-listed in sociology, anthropology, computer science, economics, history, creative writing, and film/media studies.

Professor Vaughan Lit decided to teach the course after frequenting the Reddit this summer and immersing himself in internet culture.

“To be honest, I didn’t know much about ‘memes’ until recently, but this summer I kept hearing the word ‘Harambe’ being thrown around and I had to know more,” Lit said.

Students will spend the semester analyzing internet memes and what it really means to go viral. The class will also be encouraged to generate its own memes, using classics such as The Most Interesting Man in the World, Philosoraptor, and planking as inspiration.

Kevin Olin ’18 expressed his enthusiasm for the new course.

“I’m taking this course because Harambe couldn’t,” Olin said.

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