Female student feels conflicted after meeting roommate’s ‘hot dad’

Madeline Diamond, Senior Editor

Lauren Smith-Vedder ’20 was one of many first-year students who eagerly awaited Family Weekend, from Sept. 23-25. After being at the University for over a month, she was excited to be reunited with her parents (but mostly her goldendoodle, Snickers).

After showing her parents around campus on Friday afternoon, Smith-Vedder decided to stop by her dorm room in Harris Hall before the family left for dinner at Elizabeth’s. When she opened the door to her room, Smith-Vedder was surprised to see that her roommate, Amanda Sojka ’20, was giving a tour of the room to her parents. Most surprisingly, Smith-Vedder was shocked at how attractive her roommate’s dad, a University alum, was.

“I mean, I had seen a family picture, but I never realized how hot Amanda’s dad actually is, and he’s not even that old! I was thinking to myself, should I say something, should I ignore it?  Things definitely got weird,” Smith-Vedder said.

While she ultimately decided to refrain from commenting on the physical attractiveness of her roommate’s father, Smith-Vedder has reported that the tension in Harris 420 is at an all time high. However, she was quite pleased to find out that her roommate’s father would be returning to campus for Homecoming Weekend.

“Amanda’s dad was a member of Upsilon Tau Iota (UTI) here, so I suggested that he should take us out with him. Amanda said she felt awkward about partying with a bunch of UTIs, but I think she’ll get over it,” Smith-Vedder said.

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