The Bucknellian assumes its role as hard-hitting news source, puts a stop to stapler shortage

Olivia Lawlor, Staff Writer

The Bucknellian published an article on Sept. 23 titled “Students demand justice for Bertrand’s inadequate staplers,” in which students described the appalling lack of staplers in Bertrand Library. This was an inconvenience that had plagued their lives for far too long.

Coincidentally, just one week after the article was published, student government officials introduced an electronic stapler to Bertrand Library. The Bucknellian takes full responsibility for sparking the call to action that ended the loose page crisis, especially considering the ubiquity with which the student body reads the newspaper.

Many University students have recognized the connection between the article and the electronic stapler.

“I was so happy when the article in The Bucknellian came out, and then student government gave us an electronic stapler. I’ll never use another paperclip,” Samantha Schwartz ’19 said.

Other students are inspired by the impact that the article has had on the new stapler.

“I see the electronic stapler as a shining, powerful beacon of hope. After The Bucknellian took a stand, I realized that change on campus really is possible. We just have to make it happen,” Brad Breakiron ’18 said.

Dedicated journalists and advocates alike are now directing their energy to installing a rear entrance to Bertrand Library.

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