Student arrested after trying to bring Tupperware to Cafsgiving

Madeline Diamond, Senior Editor

After skipping all of her classes and waiting in line for close to an hour, Barb Bostwick ’17 entered the Caf, her eyes wide with delight.

She piled her plate high, filling it with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, sweet potatoes, and green beans. Perhaps a bit overzealous to the casual onlooker, she also filled a separate plate with several slices of pie. Bostwick had a plan, however. After examining her surroundings to make sure no one was looking, she pulled several small Tupperware containers from her backpack and began filling them under the table.

Just as she was shoveling a serving of mashed potatoes into a container, a group of Public Safety officers apprehended her.

“We saw the suspect trying to unlawfully remove food from the Caf, and that is simply unacceptable by University standards,” Officer Chris Casserole said.

Bostwick admitted to attempting to use the Tupperware, although she did not believe she had committed any wrongdoing. She was led out of the Caf in handcuffs, but she managed to snag one more slice of pumpkin pie on her way out.

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