Recent alum locks himself in Vedder during Homecoming

Rose Gendelman, Staff Writer

This past Homecoming Weekend, after attending Super Saturday and re-living the immense adrenaline rush of dancing on a roof, alumnus Jay Kay ’17 found his way into Vedder Hall, his former stomping ground. There he met Brian Bigler ’21, who described the story of their interaction in its entirety.

Kay lived in Vedder Hall as a first-year student at the University, a time he has very fond memories of. While eating a Nacho Mac, Kay showed Bigler where in Vedder he had eaten his first of them. He then proceeded to leave it on the floor and accidentally step on it, tracking cheesy tot debris all over the stairwell.

Kay showed Brian his hall, and the exact location where he was rejected by his hallmate, who said that she “would never participate in the community-harming endeavor that is hallcest.”

Upon arriving at his first-year dorm, Vedder 401, Kay told the student about the time he was locked out of his dorm.

“I lost my key somewhere and I had to figure out how to pick the lock… maybe I can still do it.” As luck (or terror, perhaps) would have it, the alumnus’s first-year lock-picking ability followed through.

As Kay walked into the room, he expressed an enormous wave of nostalgia, followed by a sudden onset of nausea, ending with a crescendo of exhaustion, as he flopped onto the bed.

Before falling asleep, he made sure to let the first-year know that “the key to success is a post-super nap.”

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