Home for the Holidays: students re-adjust to life with parents over winter break

Olivia Lawlor, Senior Writer

For many first-year University students, winter break was anything but relaxing. After a semester away from home, multiple students reported difficulties adjusting back to life with their parents.

“At first, I was psyched to be back,” Brad Silverman ’21 said. “I couldn’t wait to see my golden retriever, Buddy, and play Xbox in my basement, but my parents kept getting on my case. When my friends and I moved the family ping pong table into my room, my mom freaked out. On Saturdays, I wore basketball jerseys over sweatshirts and my parents looked at me like I was crazy, as if Ray Bans and Timberlands with joggers weren’t a weekend staple. They just don’t get it.”

Other first-years reported even more trouble at home.

“I’m honestly so thankful to be back on campus,” Kim Braverman ’21 said. “My parents and I just don’t see eye to eye anymore. One night, my friends and I came back after a party starving, so I whipped out my BU ID and ordered Dominos. When we finished our cinnastix and cheesy bread, I left the boxes outside my bedroom door like I always do in Vedder. My mom was furious because I ‘made a mess’ even though my room was perfectly clean. She’s worse than my RA.”

Communication with parents was a common struggle amongst students during the holiday recess.

“One afternoon, my mom asked me what I wanted from the grocery store,” Phillip Stevens ’21 said. “So I hopped onto my laptop and typed out a list of essentials: Pedialyte, Axe body spray, Tums, and shared it with her in a Google Doc. It took her half an hour to find my email, and then it took the rest of the afternoon to show her how to use Google Drive.”

After a few weeks of living at home, every student seems to agree that they are very excited to be back at the University. Henry Templeton ’21, summed up this sentiment succinctly.

“I knew it might be hard to live with my parents again. I read every Installment in the bathroom stalls, but nothing could have prepared me for this. I love my parents, but I sure am happy to be back.”

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