Rocks really are for jocks: student-athlete finds priceless diamond during geology lab

Olivia Lawlor, Senior Writer

Early last week, the University made history when first-year student Ned Henderson ’21 discovered a precious gemstone during his geology lab. Since Henderson’s incredible find, campus has been overrun with reporters, who are eager to cover his story. This week, The Bucknellian reporter Sarah Summers ’18 had an exclusive interview with Henderson, who opened up about his newfound fame and fortune, as well as his plans for the future.

SS: Tell us about finding the diamond, Ned. What was that like for you?

NH: Well, I would say that uncovering the diamond was something of a “Cinderella Story.” As a student-athlete, sometimes my peers underestimate my abilities in the classroom. When I found the stone, no one believed that it could be a real diamond. After the Geology department confirmed that the diamond was real, suddenly everyone was fighting to be my lab partner. I guess it’s true, “Rocks are for Jocks.”

SS: Since finding the diamond, what have been the biggest changes in your life?

NH: I accepted an offer from the Natural History Museum to sell the diamond for an amount that I cannot legally disclose. Now that I am fabulously wealthy, I’ve made some small lifestyle changes. I bought a Range Rover so that I could drive my teammates and I to practice. Of course, as a first-year, I can’t have a car on campus, so I bought a house downtown with a two-car garage. I thought I would start by spending my money on practical things.

SS: How are you dealing with all of the media attention?

NH: The day after my lab, I woke up to hundreds of reporters outside of Vedder Hall. Now my RA has to escort me to my classes to protect me from the paparazzi. They pose as Bostwick Marketplace workers, and try to snap my picture while I wait for omelettes and stir fry, and they even hide out in the gym. It’s been a big adjustment for me, but I’ve been doing my best to stay grounded.

Since Henderson found the diamond, geology labs have been postponed indefinitely. Students have been instructed to spend lab time combing the site where Henderson made his find. So far, no similar discoveries have been made.

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