Trump invites leaders of China and North Korea to play squads on Fortnite

Jon Meier, Satire Editor

President Donald Trump tweeted on March 28 about the United States’ foreign policy in the face of strengthening relations between North Korea and China. This week, President Xi Jingping and Kim Jong-un were seen publicly in Beijing, posing for photo ops and announcing a newly fortified relationship between the two nations. For the United States, the relationship carries heavy implications for negotiations to occur later in the year between President Trump, Kim Jong-un, and President Moon Jae-In of South Korea, the first meeting between the countries since the Clinton administration.

In a seemingly spontaneous move, Trump released a series of tweets inviting Xi Jingping and Kim Jong-un to play squads on Fortnite with him and President Moon.

“LMAO now that y’all linked up, let’s get it going on Fortnite squads with my boy Moony. Add me on Xbox, ShinyOrange69. I can build walls and you can launch rockets. Everybody wins,” one tweet read.

In subsequent tweets, Trump outlined the various skins he had purchased with his immense wealth and the number of wins he had in solo, duo, and squad modes. He ended his rant with an image of characters from Fortnite with cutouts of each leader’s face pasted onto the bodies. “Squaaaa,” the caption read.

“This is part of the tremendous success we’ve already begun to experience in the State Department with the dismissal of Rex Tillerson. We’re tapping into new avenues with widespread appeal, providing unique bonding experiences for our world leaders,” a spokesperson for the White House explained.

The spokesperson declined to respond to whether Vice President Mike Pence had plans to take away Trump’s Xbox as punishment for talking to strangers on the internet.

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