The Bucknellian presents: Which editor are you?

Charles Beers, Satire Editor

The Bucknellian is home to a diverse staff of writers, each contributing their own unique flair to Stuck House. Curious to see where you would fit in our newsroom and rising co-ed journalism fraternity? Take this simple quiz to figure out which member of our team is your spirit editor!


Q1: It’s Production Night and you need a delicious meal to tide you over for a long night of editing and layout. What is your go-to place to grab food?


  1. Whatever we’re bringing in from Bostwick tonight.
  2. Chipotle, all night every night.
  3. Depends on the day.
  4. Lettuce, alternatively known as a tossed salad from the Bison.


Q2: What excites you most about coming into work every week?


  1. Producing a quality, error-free issue every week.
  2. Having fun with the entire staff in one place.
  3. Waiting for the new computers to come in.
  4. Organizing new mixers and promoting The Bucknellian fraternity.


Q3: What is your ideal place to work in a common area?


  1. In the corner in my favorite chair.
  2. In a place of power where I can lead the rest of my team.
  3. I’m always moving back and forth across the room, sometimes jumping.
  4. On the floor, underneath any available table.


Q4: Which character from “The Office” best describes you?


  1. Dwight
  2. Michael
  3. Kelly
  4. Phyllis


Q5: Which of the following messages are you most likely to send in a group chat?


  1. “Reminder! Meeting at 5 p.m. tonight!!!! :)”
  2. “I will send an email that you can forward to your writers.”
  3. “If the fries du jour is either the fake potato, regular, or curly, I protest.”
  4. “I am also a detective.”


Q6: When someone schedules a meeting, what time do you usually arrive for it?


  1. About five minutes early. Fashionably.
  2. Who’s this someone? I scheduled the meeting.
  3. Right on time. 100 percent of the time.
  4. There was a meeting today?


Q7: What is your favorite section of The Bucknellian?


  1. Satire
  2. Opinions
  3. Special Features
  4. All of them!


Once you finish taking the quiz, count up your numbers for each number response. Your greatest total score will determine your closest editor. If you scored mostly …


1s: You are Sam Rosenblatt, Print Managing Editor. You are not the most outspoken member of the team, but when you speak, everyone turns to listen. Like Sam, you are always working hard and are driven to reach your goals, constantly motivating others to reach their full potential. Not only that, but you are the king of Michael Scott quotes, even if you’re still only the Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief.

2s: You are Ruby Gould, Editor-in-Chief. Just like Ruby, you are a natural leader who captivates audiences when you speak your mind. Balancing fun and work can be difficult, but even when things get stressful you always know how to keep things light and brighten other people’s days. With your continuous supervision, communication, and dedication to the newspaper, you ensure that The Bucknellian runs smoothly week in and week out. Who knows? You may be the next EIC in the near future!

3s: You are Janey Woo, Print Presentation Director. Even when work gets stressful and you have a lot of late nights, you never forget how much you love your job. Whether it’s updating The Bucknellian “quote board” or waiting eagerly for the fancy new computers, you are passionate about your work and are always striving to make sure every issue is the best it can possibly be, from the layout, to the graphics, to the articles themselves. Just as long as you get the right fries.

4s: You are Julie Spierer, Special Features Editor and Social Chair. You are completely unpredictable and everyone admires you for it. Never fazed by editorial stress, you add your own unique brand of comedy to every Production Night, even if you occasionally get sidetracked picking up staff dinners from Bostwick. Like Julie, you are unapologetically yourself: a social butterfly, a talented section editor, or a detective for hire.

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