BSG shutdown leaves student employees without their paychecks

Bridget Beljan, Staff Writer

The Bucknell Student Government (BSG) is moving into the fourth week of its first-ever government shutdown. Students are expected to go without pay for several months.

The president of BSG, Donna Trunk ’19, has asked for five billion campus dollars in order to construct a Facebook wall on which students are able to order food from the Bostwick Marketplace, Bison, or Commons Café straight to their dorms. Trunk believes that such a wall would enable students to elect healthy, University-made meal choices without having to leave the confines of their dorms during dangerous winter weather.

The student government refused to provide such extensive funding for the project on the grounds that the wall would not stop students from stocking up on junk food from a more popular wall–Walmart. Moreover, the government members worry for the safety of the staff who would have to be trained for food delivery in such icy conditions.

“I think the wall promotes an attitude of ‘us’ versus ‘them,’” Tabitha Bridge, a Bison representative, said. “It would both perpetuate laziness in students and encourage them to isolate themselves from the greater University community.”

Certain “non-essential” branches of the BSG have been placed on unpaid furlough. These include workers at the Writing Center, the Campus Activities & Programs (CAP) Center, and the Career Development Center, which will significantly increase the number of students riding the unemployment line.

Some students seem less than bothered by what this means for their bank accounts.

“I’m pissed I sent in my two-weeks notice just before the new year,” Rich Charleston ’20, a former 27-day BSG representative, said. “Had I known, I could have extended the amount of time I had been involved on my résumé without actually having to do anything. I would have given it at least another three weeks. Who knew my schedule as a freelancer would be more grueling than my time as assistant to the junior secretary?”

However, a growing number of students around campus seem concerned about both the economic and community impacts of the shutdown.

“How am I supposed to afford my daily nine-dollar smoothie?” Cassie Jones ’21 said.

With one side viewing the wall as costly and ineffective, and Trunk deeming it necessary for the progression of the University, there is no telling when an agreement will be reached. Until then, Student Mail Services will remain open for business, which is all that really matters.

“I just hope that the government can come to an agreement before finals season,” Mary Muppet ’20 said. “I’m not sure if I could survive without the therapy dogs.”

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