University scientists discover health benefits of 4-day week after first snow day in decades

Amy Schlussler, Staff Writer

The University made history on Jan. 31 when University President John Bravman decided to cancel classes due to inclement weather, breaking the good news via email. Given the steady flow of emails from the University into student inboxes, receiving yet another email from Bravman was a surprise to no one. This email, however, was worth the read. The email confirming the cancellation of all scheduled classes quickly circulated around campus and made its way onto various social media platforms in the form of memes.


The Bucknellian spoke with individuals who were in areas with large numbers of students when the email was received.


“Mass chaos broke out on the second floor of the lib,” Serenity Still ’19 said. “The sounds of text tones filled the air instantly, and before I knew it, the quiet floor no longer felt like my safe haven.”


The Bucknellian also had the chance to speak with students who were eating in the Bison that Wednesday evening.


“Oh man, it was like something out of a movie,” Nathaniel Light ’20 said. “We started howling to each other across the Bison and before we knew it, we were the center of attention. My fraternity brothers and I just couldn’t wait to fully send it on St. Catherine Street that night.”


Researchers at the University took this rare vacation as an opportunity to look into the potential benefits associated with a four-day school week. Stephanie Stem ’20 is a biochemistry and public health double major and conducted various tests on students following the snow day.


“It really is amazing what one day off can do for students,” Stem said. “It became apparent that many students were able to catch up on sleep. Students regained a healthy color in their faces and were able to eliminate a large portion of their under-eye bags. An extra day to procrastinate on assignments is just what students needed.”


Physicians at Bucknell Student Health (BSH) also had good news to report following the snow day.


“We saw significantly fewer students in our office with broken wrists and twisted ankles,” Dr. Brian Bone said. “All week, students had been coming in with concussions due to wipeouts outside the LC. We saw profound physical health benefits as a result of the snow day.”

Unfortunately, these findings haven’t led the University to adopt a four-day weekly schedule going forward. However, officials have noted that resources are offered at BSH for students finding difficulty in readjusting to their five-day week.

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