Tour guides sign pact to pretend Vedder doesn’t exist


Olivia Braito, Graphics Manager

Graphics by Olivia Braito.

Amy Schlussler, Senior Writer

This time of year is notoriously stressful, as high school seniors across the country start deciding where they will study for the next four years. In recent weeks, there has been an increase in tour groups trekking across campus. These tours feature prospective students from all walks of life, drawing crowds from the exclusive areas of New Jersey, waterfront homes in Connecticut, and everywhere in between. Tour guides have the rewarding job of selling students on some of the University’s greatest attractions.


The Bucknellian spoke with tour guide Wendy Walker ’20, asking her about what strategies she uses when trying to give the best tour.


“To be a top-notch tour guide, it’s important to maintain a positive attitude, walk backward with care, and make sure your voice reaches those few stragglers in the back of the group,” Walker said. “We avoid any and all hills, don’t let the groups get a close look at the Caf food, and make sure to use the tagline ‘’Ray’ in as many sentences as possible.”


In an attempt to increase applications for admission as part of the University’s strategic planning, tour guides have unanimously decided to no longer show Vedder Hall to potential students.


The Bucknellian spoke with another tour guide, Charlie Chaperone ’19, to learn about the driving force behind this revision.


“It made sense to all of us to stop showing Vedder,” Chaperone ’19 said. “Each hall has its own rancid odor that stuck to the group for the rest of the tour. Also, introducing the basement of the building to students as ‘The Pit’ isn’t as alluring as one might think.”   


The Office of Admissions will be paying close attention to the number of students that commit to the University and see if the number of applications increases as a result of this change.

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