Senior reads first book for fun since grade school – is pleasantly surprised

Lewis Rizzoli, Staff Writer

Spring is upon us and so is the infamous senior slide. Jobs have been offered, major and minor requirements have been met, and graduation plans have been made. Second-semester seniors often have more time and fewer worries. Without all the essays, lab reports, case studies, problem sets, exams, and quizzes, seniors have rejoiced in being able to partake in some of their favorite activities. Many like to watch their favorite TV shows, listen to their favorite artists’ new albums, bowl, play Xbox, hang out with friends, and visit the Campus Theatre.


Although this seems like the dream for college students, Chad Willington ’19 remarked that the new lifestyle was rather monotonous, hinting that he might miss his previous workload that kept him busy.


“Now that I have no work, I finished all my TV shows, documentaries, video games, music, and movies. I’m bored out of my mind!” Willington said.


Willington tried many different activities to rid himself of boredom. First, he decided to sign up for HIIT classes at the Gerhard Fieldhouse. Sadly, Willington realized that he was not the athlete he once was when he played for West-East Egg Lacrosse on Long Island. Willington then tried to roller skate but realized, at the most inopportune time, that the University has a lot of hills. He wiped out, took his skates off, and walked back to the south campus apartments to wallow in sorrow. Willington then joined one of the local a cappella groups and was immediately cut from tryouts when he sang some of his favorite Lonely Island songs.


Just as Willington was about to watch “Game of Thrones” for the fifth time when something caught his attention. His grandmother had sent him a book earlier that year that was collecting dust on his empty desk. Willington decided that he would give the novel “Twilight” a try. He rejoiced when he became engrossed in the first chapter and sources say he has made it all the way to chapter three.


Since this revelation, Willington now distinguishes himself as the intellectual of his friend group and hopes to make it to chapter four by commencement.

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