Top/Bottom 4: University water fountains

Kaitlin Bonacci, Print Presentation Director

Spring has sprung, which means it’s time to change the Installments in the bathrooms and remind yourself to hydrate or die-drate. When looking to fill up your sticker-covered Nalgenes, be sure to consult our definitive list of fountains to visit and to avoid across campus.


The Best of the Best:


  1. Olin 3rd floor: The pinnacle of campus water fountains. The pour is smooth, refreshing, and an all-around perfect thirst-quencher. 10/10
  2. LC Mall right outside of the Bison: So fresh, so clean. This water fountain is easily accessible and revitalizing. Dasani/10
  3. Rooke basement: If you can look past the inconvenient location, you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how decent the water is down in the depths of Rooke. Aquafina/10
  4. Dana 2nd floor: Tucked away in a secluded corner of the hallways, this fountain is hard to spot but provides a nice consistency and flavor to its water – a much more consistent choice when compared to its unreliable cousin downstairs. Poland Spring/10.


The Worst of the Worst:


  1. O’Leary 2nd floor: Steer clear of this fountain at all costs. The Bucknellian editorial staff is genuinely concerned that this cloudy, warm water is not safe to drink. Swamp/10
  2. Larison 2nd floor: Despite a recent fix that improved the temperature, this fountain still provides a concerning level of cloudiness to its water. Fog/10.
  3. AC West 1st floor: Lukewarm and simply not refreshing. But hey, at least it’s clear. Susquehanna/10.
  4. Dana Lobby: The minute you try to place your bottle in front of the sensor, the fountain glitches and asks you to remove it, creating an endless, waterless loop. Considering how many engineers pass by this fountain every day, the end result is incredibly disappointing. Error/10.
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