First-year frustrated with frats joins professors’ social scene

Amy Schlussler, Senior Writer

The final weeks of the semester seem to sneak up on students and faculty every academic year. Many students display mixed feelings about reaching the end of the semester. Some look forward to spending the summer at one of their many summer homes on Cape Cod, while others dread parting ways with their friends and missing “Saturdays with the boys.” One particular student is not looking forward to leaving campus in the upcoming weeks.


Sol Young ’22 has expressed his concerns about nearing the end of his first year. As a result of his increasing frustration with the University frat scene, Young has gotten close with many philosophy professors.


“It had been nearly eight months since I had gone out on a Friday,” Young said. “I found myself doing laundry many Friday nights, which got old fairly quick. It wasn’t until I overheard two of my professors talking about their Friday evening plans that I decided to make a change.”


Instead of staring at his ceiling every night, Young now watches his Google Calendar get bombarded left and right with plans from the University’s philosophy professors. The Bucknellian spoke with one of Young’s newest friends, Associate Professor Ethan Ethics.


“It’s been great having Young become a part of our Friday night shenanigans,” Ethics said. “Most Fridays we congregate at one of our houses and talk about the complexity of life while enjoying savory hors d’ oeuvres. His presence makes us feel like kids again.”


Young has gotten so close with the faculty that they are thinking about getting an office for him in the Vaughan Literature Building. In light of his revitalized social life, Young does not plan on going through with the recruitment process come August. According to sources within the Philosophy Department, Young and the faculty plan on founding a fraternity of their own.

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