Student experiences with “Sober October”

Elizabeth Lagerback, Contributing Writer

This past month, students campus-wide attempted to participate in “Sober October.” The Bucknellian spoke with students regarding the movement, which most gracefully failed.

The Flyson sales reached an all-time low in just the first week of October. With concerns regarding the ability to pay for the monthly rent of the notorious truck, Flyson owner Tod Tot reportedly contacted fraternities asking them to throw high-profile parties during the rest of the month.

“We were asked to throw another Camo party, seeing that this event is always the hot ticket of the semester,” Brad Boot ’20 said. “I kindly told him we couldn’t fulfill his request considering we are still waiting for our shipment of Camo bandanas.” The Flyson owner also reportedly left a trail of beer cans leading from Vedder Hall to the Flyson.

The Bucknellian spoke with a student who gave it his all, but unfortunately wasn’t successful.  

“I just thought, with Super on the rocks and everything, there had never been a better time to take part in the movement until now,” Dart Tee ’23 said. “I never thought I’d succeed, which I obviously didn’t.” Tee told The Bucknellian he lasted until he found out Super was back on.

Out of the students who tried to surmount the challenge, 80 percent had failed by the first weekend, according to our data. Fifteen percent made it to the following Wednesday, but ultimately only two succeeded.

“I didn’t try, I wouldn’t dare, but I sure do respect everyone who did. They are stronger than me, and it’s good to know those people are out there. Some call them crazy, but I call them brave,” Frat Star ’20 said.

One student, Percey Veer ’22, claims to have made it through the whole month. “I’d like to thank my friends, parents, professors, and most of all, those who doubted me. They helped me climb over the biggest hill of my life,” Veer said. “I just have to get through Halloweekend, and I’ll have done it.” The interviewee shed a single tear after his statement.

The Bucknellian would like to personally commend those who successfully completed Sober October. To show our appreciation, we are rewarding those who made it out alive with a free drink coupon valid at Bull Run or Towne Tavern.

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