Therapy dogs visit campus

Isaiah Mays and Jess Kaplan, Contributing Writer and News Editor

University faculty and members of the Lewisburg community brought their dogs to campus on Sept. 9 outside of Bertrand Library from 6-8 p.m. for this semester’s first therapy dogs visit. The therapy dogs will continue to revisit the University this semester on the first Monday of every month.

The therapy dogs program is sponsored by the University’s Counseling & Student Development Center, which promotes healthy, mindful practices among students. The center holds several events each semester that help students manage their stress properly. Bringing therapy dogs to campus is helpful in improving students’ well-being, as their presence has been linked to lower blood pressure and the release of endorphins.

 “Adjusting to a new environment and the stress of college, therapy dogs bring a smile and sense of calmness to students dealing with stress, anxiety and loneliness.” Kelly Pastuszek, who coordinated the therapy dog visit, said. “Studies have shown that interacting with therapy dogs was accompanied by decreased anxiety and negative mood and increased positive mood.” 

Lily McKenna ’21 was excited to see the array of dogs after a long week. “I  think it makes the student body really happy to see dogs on campus, especially if they’re missing their dogs from home. All the dogs they bring are very friendly,” McKenna said.

The therapy dogs will return to campus again on Oct. 7, Nov. 4, and Dec. 9.

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